Monday, 22 October 2012


This is the second blog I am writing today. 

This article is about the basic principle of making a robot. It is about KEEPING IT SIMPLE.

First KEEP IT SIMPLE : I am sure you might have heard many people saying this but mine is different because I truly understood it's essence. We don't tell you to keep it simple, rather simple things work. I have made 3 failed bots.

My First Robot was using the concept used by this robot.  Now if you see the video, it might look complicated but efficient. Well I spent about 2 weeks reproducing this in NXT. Even though it was not exact. ( It cannot be, as you might have noticed the design of the robot in the video does not allow it to turn).

Hence I first added, but some steering but with this it just could not move over the smallest ramp. Then I decided to use the 2 motors for the 2 sides and this too could not move. After 2 weeks of fruitless work, I gave up on the idea and decided to use tracks.

To my surprise, a simple track mechanism worked perfectly. I made it in a day and it went till the top of the ramp, but tilted at the top and fell down. Well I went on with tracks for quite some time, till I decided to make it more simple. 

I took out tracks and added wheels instead with 1 : 4 gear ratio. This increased the power and my robot at certain speeds could even go above the 60 degree ramp. I was surprised, to think that this simple mechanism worked, while the other ones didn't. This proved me that SIMPLE MECHANISMS ALWAYS WORK. Unnecessarily complicating things is pointless. We must make the simplest mechanisms first and then think of making it more complex. 


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